Once a stranger; but now so intimate

Perplexed I am, how to congratulate!!๐Ÿ˜ง

How to congratulate as she would leave๐Ÿ˜ข

Won’t wish each other every morning, I can’t believe

Now I accumulate all the past memories

Keep them guarded in my treasuries

How can one be so meticulous!!

Versatile, dynamic and vivacious!

Awesome, stunning, chivalrous!

How can one be so perfectionist!!

An amazing mother!

A dutiful daughter!

An efficient & energetic teacher!

A trustworthy colleague!

A bold, but iconic charismatic personality

An unparalleled example of versatility

A woman of substance

An excellent orator

How can one be so optimistic!!

And create an aura of positivity, liveliness, wherever she goes.

How can one be so visionary, Vibrant & valiant!!

How can God be so biased & prejudiced!!!

Infusing all the qualities in His one creation.

I kept reflecting on contemplating……

Finally came to the conclusion.

Perhaps you are His loveliest angel.

Angels come from up above

To show God’s, eternal love

In beautiful moonlight, angels wait to be ordained.

An official angel of God for which you were also trained.

So; You go and illuminate another land

Spread liveliness, smiles, happiness

Everything is in God’s hand

Finally, I congratulate with an aching heart.

You will remain an indistinguishable & inseparable part.                         Alka Nijhawan


  1. All these qualities are perhaps too few for the lady. Whereved she is, I am sure, she is speading love and light.
    Afterall, she is an army wife. My respectful salute to her.


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