Let’s Think Together

Nirbhaya’s rape case left such unhealed wounds on my heart that forced me to spend sleepless nights thinking how can someone be so savage and barbarous? That horrendous crime on 16 December 2012 left such an indelible imprint on my mind that I stopped taking my daughters out with me. The image of the human being got so tarnished that I stopped believing in humanity. I became extremely depressed reflecting how shocking and shattering the trauma of being rapped would be and finally my pent-up and suppressed feelings received a little respite when an outlet was given to them in the form of this poem.

 This poem is for all those women who become victims of rape, assault, acid attack, or any type of molestation. It is an appeal to let everyone live his life peacefully. Let the buds blossom and spread their fragrance in the surroundings.

                                                            Let’s Think Together

My heart aches, 

tears trickle down.

When I see 

the world around.

How barbarous and cruel,

Humans can be!

Without any compassion, 

Sympathy and dignity.

No values, no ethics,

No regards;

Unscrupulous, contemptuous

And fraud.

Corruption is at its peak.

Humanity for criminals,

 is all Latin and Greek.

Security, protection are

Far-fetched words.

Screams wail always

Remain unheard.

Outrageous brutality has left us stunned.

To throw the law and order into,

The winds have become great fun.

Protests, agitations, demonstrations,

Proved to be futile.

To stir the foundation of the weak

The government is not worthwhile.

How disturbing and ruthless

These incidents are!

Justice for the victim has

Not been given so far.

Why is brutality being aggravated?

Agony, the anguish of the victim

Can never be compensated.

Let these inhuman beasts,

Be hanged till death.

Let them not even take 

One more single breath.

Frustrated and tortured hearts,

Screams for justice and solution.

At least don’t keep them in dark,

And the illusion.

All these heart-rending stories

Incidents are not mere fiction.

How Ironical!

Politicians, news channels,

Get one more topic for discussion.

Oh God! Sensitize these hearts

To excruciating pain, the girls suffer,

Life indeed becomes traumatic,

Unbearable and tougher.

Oh God! Provide some tranquility

And peace to the tormented mind

Pour your blessings and relief,

To them being so kind

Being so kind…….                                                                                                                 Alka Nijhawan


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